Project Details

Project 3
Production Time:
8 weeks halftime
Genre: 2D Shoot ‘em Up
Platform: TGA2D (The Game Aassemble’ s own engine)

Schmup: Nibble

Third project in “The game assembly“s first year is a shot ‘em up.
My groups spin on this idea was to play as a small dragon that inhaled enemies and then spit them out enemies as different types of projectiles.

Project roles

Enemy Gun Patterns

Made several different gun patterns with tweakable values in json files. Some exempels of types that existed were “Sin wave“, “Scatter shot“ & “Explosion“.


Music & Sound

I was in charge of sound and music in this project and made a “Audio manager”. It was hidden behind our event manager which was called in gameplay code using one enum for category and one for specific sound in that category when ever sounds were suppose to play.

 Team: Smug Pug Productions


Level Designers

Alexander Sandén

Emil Maris

Marcus Tegerhult

Graphical Artists

Alice Söderpalm

Lisa Löfgren

Sanna Friberg


Casper Mårtensson

Albin Engström

Hugo Rogmark

Tobias Grönwall


August Wahlberg

Fei Berg Hulthén