Project Details

Project 4
Production Time:
8 weeks halftime
Genre: 2D platformer
Platform: TGA2D (The Game Assembly’s own engine)

2D Platformer: Trash Panda

2D platformer inspired by old school Sonic the Hedgehog. Run around collecting trash and dodge the evil humans or your precious food will be scattered all about.

Project Roles

Collision system.gif

2D Collision System

I created a 2D collision system based on a 2D grid, static collider squares and dynamic collider rectangles. All moving Objects in a level got handed a Dynamic collider while all non-moving got a Static Collider.


To optimize the AABB checks between colliders were only done if the colliders occupied the same grid tile. This was calculated by taking the edge postions of the collider (marked in red) and turning them into positions in an array storing the 2D grid (Tiles to check against marked with purple outline). By using this method at best we only had to do some multiplications every frame and at worst do one or two AABB checks per active Dynamic Collider.


 Team: Dumpster Divers


Level Designers

Ofelia Rabow

Jonas Henrikson

Hugo Borg

Graphical Artists

Alice Söderpalm

Ellen Johnsson

Jacob Kroon


Casper Mårtensson

Johan Wikström

Erik Lindskoug

Martin Andersson

Edit Hansson


Erik Billgren

Felicia Svensson